Thursday, 26 August 2010

Some ideas on active listening

In a Workshop led by Mario Rinvolucri, I got some ideas on how to make the students more relaxed when they are listening to the teacher and, at the same time, make them actively participate in the activities.
Activity 1 – The teacher dictates one sentence and the student has to go on with the text, writing one or two more sentences that complete the first one.
Eg: Teacher: “He thought carefully and then opened the door quietly.”
The students compare their work in pairs.

Activity 2 – The teacher dictates one or two sentences and the student has to write the sentence before and after the teacher’s text.
Eg: Teacher: “She got to the top of the mountain. She could see for miles and miles”.
Students compare their work.

Activity 3 – The teacher reads a story and then after reading it, instead of asking questions about facts in the story, the teacher dictates some questions like these:
- When you were listening were your pictures still or moving?
- Were your pictures black and white or coloured?
- Were they big or small?
- Were your pictures blurred or well focused?
- Were they flat or with perspective?
- Did you ever become one of the people in the story?
- Where were you at the end of the story?
- (…)
Students discuss their answers with their partner. This makes them speak a lot about the story, recalling a lot of vocabulary, in a relaxed atmosphere.

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